Diet 27 September 2022
GPS cat collar

Anyone who has ever had a cat knows they’re not easy animals to keep an eye on, which is why a GPS cat collar can be very useful for those who have an outdoor cat used to living its life outdoors and coming back when it pleases for food especially. Cats are territorial animals, they don’t wander further from what they consider to be their home, their safe place for shelter, but it’s also true that they are very curious creatures who are attracted to any place or object they have not had the chance to smell yet, and that attraction becomes stronger for things that are in high places.
GPS collar to never lose your cat
Sometimes it’s fun and satisfying to watch our cats jumping from place to place to find their way to where they want to go, but outside this can become risky. Jumping over a wall can find them trapped, or playing with another cat and chasing it can make them go so far from home they can’t find their way back. For this reason, a GPS cat collar is one of those accessories a cat owner simply can’t live without. Usually, owners who let their own cat go outside freely are used to the idea that their kitty may not come home for hours and hours, only to suddenly reappear when it’s hungry. It’s probably every apprehensive cat person’s dream to be able to know where their cat is at any time and track their movements.

The GPS cat collar allows you to check where your furry friend is with just a few taps on your smartphone, and go find it if it has wandered too far. In fact, every GPS cat collar is equipped with a virtual fence feature. Using the app, you can draw an area within which the cat can roam freely, a sort of safe zone with digital borders that, if crossed, triggers an alert on your mobile phone so you can intervene quickly to get your kitty back to home base.