Safety 16 September 2022
How to get your cat used to the collar

A GPS tracker can be very useful, but getting your cat used to the collar is no easy task. Cats are always a bit resistant to restraints, some are maybe more docile, but they are often unstoppable free spirits, so they don’t easily accept being confined to one place or wearing a collar, etc.
If you’re wondering how to get your cat used to the collar, especially a GPS tracker, the good news is that today these devices are much smaller than they used to be when they were only used for dogs. Most domestic animal GPS tracker manufacturers certify its use for average-sized cats of over four kg. Obviously, this can vary from cat to cat. Every kitty has its own personality, regardless of its breed, so in finding a way to get your cat used to the collar you have to of course know how it behaves, and start from there.

Steps to follow
Generally speaking, a GPS collar on an adult cat isn’t very different in size from any other collar, so essentially the same rules and advice apply, especially that of giving the cat time to become familiar with the new object. Smells are very important, so you can rub the collar on your cat’s basket or its favorite blanket and let the cat smell it, so it knows it’s something familiar.
The next step is obviously to have the cat wear it. The best moment is when your cat is calm, maybe having just woken up, and try to slip it on gently while you speak to the cat softly. The cat’s first reaction is usually to run away and try to take it off, maybe even tear it with its paws. Just be patient, most often the cat will desist after a few tries and accept the accessory for a while. If instead your cat’s reaction is much stronger, the advice is to take it off and try again after a while, maybe having your cat keep it on longer and longer, until the cat is used to it. For some smaller cats the GPS collar may indeed be a bit uncomfortable, in which case you can try opting for a harness to latch the tracker onto, and you can more or less follow the same steps mentioned for the collar to get your cat used to the harness.