First Steps

After purchasing / receiving your Kippy CAT, follow the following simple steps to activate it and always keep your pet under control:

  • There is both IOS and Android version.

  • REGISTER: ENTER THE DATA THAT ARE REQUESTED (you must have your Kippy with you)

  • - enter the ID code on the back of your device

    - After entering the phone number you intend to use, wait for the confirmation PIN which will arrive within a couple of minutes via SMS.

    - Enter the PIN code received via SMS where requested and confirm

    - Register the e-mail address you wish to associate with your Kippy and confirm via the link you will receive within a couple of minutes

    - Choose a PASSWORD: it must contain the characters suggested in the screen where you are, then confirm!

  • Buy the service package that best suits your needs
We remind you that you can monitor your Kippy from multiple phones (by downloading the application again) or from a PC in the Web App section that you will find on our site