Frequent Topics

You can check that the registered email address has been confirmed directly from the App-> User Profile-> Management.

You can change your email address if you are the legitimate owner of Kippy, the procedure takes a few minutes and is managed by the customer service, contact us by communicating the data for the change.

The activities of the animal are calculated through an algorithm that takes into account the breed, weight and age of the animal, based on these parameters the APP automatically suggests the objectives that the animal should reach every day.

The history is located in the 'menu' section and shows the routes you have recorded while activating the live tracking - To view the route your pet has made, this must have been registered with live tracking activated - The history displays both the GPS points and the WI-FI points - The history can also be viewed by means of a heat map.

Activate live tracking by clicking on the "Live" circle at the top right of the App (in the Position section), you will see the updated movements of your pet on the map every 3/5 seconds.

There are 4 service packages:

Basic € 10.99 / month*

Premium € 69.99 / 1 year

Ultimate € 99.99 / 2 years

Supreme 199.99 € / 5 years

* The BASIC package needs a commitment of at least 4 months . In the event of an early withdrawal a Fee of Early Termination will be applied. This will be calculated on the number of months that are left to reach the minimum period required.

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